Who Am I?
My name is Ingrid.
I'm wise. I'm irreverent. Outspoken, opinionated, and rarely politically correct. I challenge you to live your life from the place of questions. Question the things you've been taught. Question the things you are told. Question what you read and hear, especially on the news and in social media. Stop worrying about offending people or trying to fit in.
Step into the center of your own life. Stand with integrity. Live with honor and courage and remember who your are and where your ancestors are buried. If you want your life to be different, you must be willing to change. Change can be disturbing. Change can be frightening. I help people navigate change. I help people access places they're afraid to go. I do this by asking questions. Stop trying to find the one right answer. It doesn't exist. Live your life instead from the place of adventure, creativity and all possibility. If you're courageous enough to work with me, whether it be spiritually, creatively or professionally, I guarantee your life will never be the same. |
I remember telling a friend, 'something has to change in my life or I'm going to die.'
- Who am I when I stop trying to please everyone, be good and do the right thing?
- What would happen if I really told the truth about my life?
I guarantee that if you do, your life will never be the same.
So here I am today. I'm an author, educator and a storyteller, a mentor and a spiritual guide.
My teaching style is a unique blend of silly mischief, ancient wisdom, irreverence and down-to-earth, pragmatic, practical advice. I dwell in the realm of all that's possible and invite others to live life as an adventure, not a prison sentence. One of the gifts I have from my ancestors is the ability to connect with and understand the language of the ancient runes and intuitively translate and interpret their wisdom so it can be used in everyday life.
I have made a vow, a solemn promise, to share this gift of wisdom with others through my writing, teaching and counseling as well as through the example of how I live my life.
No matter what form it takes, the wisdom I share is grounded in ancient, earth-honoring spiritual practices and rooted in the practical, creative, magical and intuitive experiences of my own life.
My readings, classes and workshops provide opportunities for others to gain clarity and insight and to explore, create, expand and thrive.
Below is more of my story if you wish to continue....
More than 70 years ago, when my mother Sigrid gave birth to me, she decided to name me Ingrid, a name that is honored in her Swedish father's family. With sparkling blue eyes, blonde curly hair and a delightful smile it was evident early on that I was related to a long line of imps.
The Viking blood of adventure and the song of the Scottish bagpipes runs in my veins, as well as a streak of mischief.
I've played in pastures irrigated with water from the Sacramento River.
I've jumped from hay lofts and climbed to the top of a volcano.
I've wandered cobbled streets, explored castle ruins, walked atop the walls of Tuscan cities and prayed in ancient churches.
I've ridden horses and ridden motorcycles, driven trucks and driven nails and maybe even driven some people crazy.
I've given birth and given notice, written poetry as well as grocery lists.
I've slept in tents and under the stars, beside my lover and alone.
Wild, stormy weather and silent snow fall both bring me delight, as do sunshine in mountain meadows and a full moon setting into the Pacific ocean.
I love to knit, to read and to travel.
I've earned my degrees in wisdom, intuition and determination by living life.
I've gazed deeply into the well of Mimir, dug around in the roots of Yggdrasil and helped weave the pattern of the fabric of my life at the feet of the Nornir.
I've learned to remember who I am by reconnecting with my creativity and sexuality.
I've listened to the wisdom of the runes as they whisper and roar, trained in the virgin forests and wild places often called untamed but incorrectly called uncivilized.
I've raised children, buried parents and experienced amazement along the way.
When I teach, mentor and guide, I speak in the voice of my ancestors and of my offspring.
I share wisdom that is timeless and ancient, modern and practical.
I'm always happy to work with anyone who is hungry for life.
- Are you living a life that makes you truly happy?
- Are you living someone else's idea of what your life should look like?
- Do you long for something small to change?
- Have you reached a place where you feel like your entire life needs to be reimagined?
- Are you somewhere in between?
It takes courage to change and most of us need support, guidance and even inspiration.
If you're ready to awaken or reawaken your hunger for life, send me an email and together we can explore ways to make that happen.
Private Rune Reading Isa Single Session
You are invited to experience the deeply rooted wisdom of the runes. This wisdom reminds us that without roots and without the dark places where the roots are sourced and grow, we are out of balance and cannot be truly alive here on earth.
Private sessions provide you with insights, information and answers. The time we spend together can be intense and rewarding. I speak often in stories, using word pictures, gently guiding you back into your body, yourself, so you can remember and connect with your own inner wisdom. Together we will journey down to the root of a matter. Sometimes what I say can be difficult to hear and even at times, confusing. Rune wisdom works on a vibrational level so it will resonate deep inside you, reminding you of what you already know. Whether you like what you hear depends on you.
You will be affected, no matter what. How greatly you allow this deep, ancient wisdom to affect you depends upon your own willingness to listen and act upon what you uncover and discover.