Below you will find a list of live recordings of various classes, events and workshops most of which were taught in Portland, Oregon. I am offering them for sale hoping you will enjoy listening to them and benefit from the wisdom, insight and sense of humor being offered up. The quality of each recording varies based on location (large and small rooms), the amount of people (small gatherings of a few as well as larger groups) and the condition of my voice.
Once you make your selection and payment, I will be notified and will send you the files. Ingrid
Click on each title and you will be taken to the store where you will find a brief description of the recording and the option to purchase.
Once you make your selection and payment, I will be notified and will send you the files. Ingrid
Click on each title and you will be taken to the store where you will find a brief description of the recording and the option to purchase.
Single Events
Three Part Series
Self-Directed Audio Courses
The Runes Revealed - An 11-week series including copy of book - 20+ hours $198