As I've been teaching the Nine Worlds classes it's felt to me more and more that I move/float/ travel back and forth between the realms in ways that show up as slowing down and speeding up of time, and less importance being given to what day it is, often necessitating me to truly check my date book first thing in the morning to be sure and even then it doesn't always convince me. Alfheim, Lichtalfheim, Ljossalfheim, home of the Light elf, alf in Norse mythology was the realm explored in Week 7 of the Nine Worlds Class Series and visiting it reminded me of how much lore and how many stories there are about time moving differently in the realm of alf and fairy. What might seem to be a few moments spent in dancing can in fact be months or even years. There are tales of people vanishing, only to return years later, confused and wandering.
Perhaps it is not a curse as so often portrayed but rather just the consequence of crossing the threshold into other realms. Why are there warnings about dancing with them, following them, eating their food? Why are the alfer so often associated with illness or as being the cause of physical ailments of humans? Elf shot. Elf locks. Elf stroke and so on. Why in Norse Mythology is the Vanier Freyr said to be lord over Alfheim? And why is it said that Odin placed him in that position? Even though the stories don't tell that Freyr and his Jotnir bride Gerda had any offspring, could it be possible that the light alfer are their children? Are they also shape-shifters as the Jotnir are? And what is the reason that these beings are so often mentioned alongside the Aesir? In the Havamal, Dain is mentioned as being one of the lords of Alfheim and he received runes at the same time that Odin grabbed up the futhark and Dvalin and Asvid received theirs. What are these runes? Where are they? How are they used? "Runes you will find, and readable staves, Very strong staves, Very stout staves, Staves that Bolthor stained, Made by mighty powers, Graven by the prophetic God. For the Gods by Odin, for the Elves by Dain, By Dvalin, too, for the Dwarves, By Asvid for the hateful Giants, And some I carved myself: Thund, before man was made, scratched them, Who rose first, fell thereafter." I love asking questions. It's not always possible to find answers, nor should we want to. The realm of all possibility lives in the questions. If you're interested in participating in these classes, live, unedited recordings of each of them from the Nine Worlds Series are available to purchase. Email me for more information. Ingrid, the Rune Woman Wise and Irreverent Changing Lives With Ancient Wisdom You can help support my journey to the Arctic Circle in Sweden and the completion of the book: The Lost Teachings of the North. Donate to my GoFundMe Campaign
title Photo by Amaury Gutierrez on Unsplash
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January 2022