Yesterday I spent several hours working on a project that was technical, troublesome and tedious and when I finally completed it, I found myself with the inner and outer dialogue of how hard it was and how much time I'd spent or wasted and how it kept me from doing all the other important things I needed to be doing, should have been doing.
So this morning as I was writing my Morning Pages, (thank you Julia Cameron), I asked myself: What if I would stop the thoughts that what I had spent so much time doing was wasted or stressful or wrong somehow and look at it instead as having done the thing that was being called to be done at that moment? And if something else was needed, I would have done that. This line of thinking presented a very different perspective, a shift. I could change my story from 'there was something more important or better that I should have been doing' and state the fact that it was just what I did. No matter what we do in life, it is our experience and experience adds to what we know and knowledge and experience affect the decisions and choices we make in the future. I'm not fond of expressions like 'I learned a lesson' or 'I was working out my karma'. The thread I have just spun and woven into the great loom of the Wyrd will affect the pattern of my life as an individual as well as the pattern of the whole. Some people will be more affected than others by my threads, depending on where and how often their own threads cross mine. At the same time, what I spin and weave can only come from what has been before and can only be woven into the web that was already laid in place by the Norns. So nothing is a waste of time. There was nothing else I should have been doing. Life just is.
title Photo by Amaury Gutierrez on Unsplash
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January 2022